優越的整機性能 | |||
無機房綠色電梯 節能、環保、舒適 | Greem elevator without machine room Energy-saving,environmentally friendly and comfortable | ||
乘客電梯配備永磁同步曳引機,具有節省機房 空間、高效節能、綠色環保、安全舒適等卓越 性能,代表著電梯發展的新方向,完全符合當 前倡導的可持續發展方向。 同步無齒曳引系統節省了傳統的蝸輪蝸桿減速 箱,大大提高了系統的傳動效率,比傳統的曳 引機提高30%-50%,大幅降低了能耗和油污 染。 | The passenger elecator is equipped with permanent magnet synchronous traction machine,which has the excellent performances of saving machine room space,efficiency and energy saving,environmental protection and safety and comfort,it represents new development direction of elevator,and fully meets the current advocated sustainable development direction. The synchronous gearless traction system saves traditional worm and gear reduction gearbox,greatly improves the transmission effciency of system,which is30%-50%higher than that of traditional traction machine,and significantly decreases the energy consumption and oil pollution. | ||
能耗降低 Reduction of energy consumption | 40% | 噪音最低減少 Minimum noise is reduced | 10dB |
新型PWM死區補償技術,有效降低電機電路 噪音和電機電能損耗,無載荷傳感器的載荷補 償起動技術,使電梯無需裝稱重裝置,不受冬 夏氣溫變化影響稱重精度,時時保持優異的起 動舒適感。
New PWM dead-zone compensation technology can effectively reduce the motor circuit noise and motor electric energy loss,and the elevator cannot be equipped with weighing device due to starting compensation technology will not be affected by temperature change in winter and sumer,and it will keep excellent starting comfort constantly. | |||
空間集約化 建筑實用化 | Space intensification Practicability of building | ||
節約了建筑成本,并使建筑的外觀匹配更完美。 | The building cost is saved,and its matched appearance is more perfect. The ingenious small traction machine can be more rationally arrange in the machine room,so that the area of elevator room is only about 1/2 of traditional passage elevator,which significantly save space, leave larger available space and reduce building cost. | ||
機房空間減少 The machine room space is reduced | 50% | ||
設計精巧的小型曳引機,能更合理地布置機 房,使得電梯機房面積僅為傳統客梯機房面積 的1/2左右,極大幅度地節省空間,給您更大 的可利用空間,降低建筑成本。 | |||
1.控制器 1.Controller
2.轎廂 2.car 3.隨行電纜 3.traveling cable 4.轎廂緩沖器 4.Car buffer 5.曳引機 5.Traction machine 6.限速器 6.Over-speedgovernor 7.對重裝置 7.Counterweight Device
多重保護 讓乘客更安全 | Multiple protections Ensures the safety of passenger | |
本公司生產的各種型號電梯,配有多裝置保護 功能,足以保證電梯長時間的高效安全運行, 即使發生故障也能完全確保你的安全,并盡可 能地把損失降到最低。 | Each model of elevator produced by the company is equipped with multiple device protection functions,so it is sufficient to elevator,your safety can be ensured in case of failure,and the loss will be reduced to minimum. | |
超速保護 為了安全順利的乘降,配有限速器、安全鉗、 緩沖器等多種安全保護裝置一旦電梯的運行速 度過快、失去控制前強行停止轎廂以保證乘客 的安全。 For safety and smooth lifting,the speed limiter,safety gear,buffer and multiple safety protection devices are equipped to stop car to ensure the safety of passengrt once the operatng speed of elevator is too fast and the elevator losses control. | 停電自救功能(可選型) 外電停電時刻裝置可以提供蓄電池電源自動將 電梯運行到最近層站并開門防止乘客困在電梯 內。 The device can provide battery power for automatically running to the nearest floor ans openung door so as to prevent passengers from being struck in the elecator in case of exemal power outage. | |
故障自動記憶功能 根據故障原因 自動將故障代碼保存下來,供檢 修人員分析故障原因。 The failure code will be automatically preserved for analysis of maintainer according to the failure reason. | ||
出入口保護功能 光幕、門保護裝置在出入口設置光幕保護當有 人或物體遮擋光束時電梯立即停止關門,并自 動開門以免夾傷乘客。 The light curtain and door protection device are equipped with light curtain protection in the exit and entrance,the elevator stops closing the door immediately and opens the door automatically when people or object shelter light beam for fear of clamping passengers. | ||
轎內緊急呼救 電梯發生故障時乘客可按下黃色報按鈕向大樓 The passenger can press the yellow button for help from duty room in the building or elevator monitoring center when the elevator is failed | |
消防管制運行(可選型) 消防運行時 Under fire control runing 電梯自駛避難層 The elevator runs to refuge fioor automatically 層站召喚無效 Floor call is invalid Until the fire switch is 直到消防開關恢復后電梯 recovered 退出消防管制運行 The elevator quits the fire control running | ||
人性化設計, 使產品更節能 | Humanized design make product more energy-saving | |
本公司生產的各種型號電梯,配有多套人性化 控制的裝置和功能,滿足各種群體的方便使用和 管理。 | Each model of elevator produced by the company is equipped with multiple set of humanized control device and function,so as to meet convenient use and management for different groups. | |
Emergency lighting in the car 廂內應急照明 當電網應故停電時,電梯配備的應急照明立即自 動啟動并維持2小時左右,以免乘客在等待救援過 程中產生恐懼心理。 When the power grid is failed,the emergency lighting equipped in the elevator shall be started immediately and automatically and maintain for about 2 hours,for fear that the passengers feel afraid when waiting for rescue. | Correspondence to disability (optional) 殘障對應(可選型) 轎箱內備有盲文按鈕的專用操縱盤、專用扶手、鏡 子,盤上還沒有對講機、位置燈、緊急呼叫按鈕、開 門掩飾坐在輪椅上就可以隨意操縱專用按鈕。 The car is equipped with dedicated operating panel, dedicatedhandrail with braille button and mirror,and the panel is equipped with interphone,position light,and the panel is equipped with interphone,position light, emergency call button and relay switch,so the disabled can control the dedicated button randomly when sitting at the wheelchair. |
Self-closing function of lighting and ventilator 照明、換氣扇自動關閉功能 在規定時間內,沒有指令登記。轎箱內的風扇和 照明會自動關閉,節約能源。 There is no registered instruction within the specified time. The ventilator and lighting in the car can be closed automatically so as to save energy. | Anti-jamming function 防搗亂功能 如果轎箱內已登記的召喚次數和乘坐人數不一致 時,為避免不必要的???,轎箱內的召喚將全部 取消 If the call times registered in the car are not consistent with the number of people,in order to avoid unnecessary stop,all the calls in the car will be cancelled |
Automatic passing function under full passenger 滿員自動通過功能 如果轎箱內乘客滿員電梯暫不響應,候梯廳召喚 指令,直駛運行防止不必要的停梯消除了時間和 能源上的浪費提高了電梯的運行效率。 If the elevator does not respond under full passenger in the car,the elevator hall calls instruction and straightly runs to prevent unnecessary elevator stop,eliminates waste in time | Voice stop(optional) 語音報站(可選型) 樓層報站、運行方向提示、開關門安全提醒。遇 到超載、火災、故障等緊急情況時播放提示及安 撫語音。 Floor reporting,moving direction prompt and safety reminding when opening and closing the door.The prompt and relief voice will be played under the emergency situation of overload,fire and failure. |
and energy,and improves theoperating efficiency of elevator Automatic return to base station (optional) 自動返回基站(可選型) 電梯在應答完所有層站召喚和轎內指令10秒(時間 可調)后自動回到基準樓待機。 | IC card elevator intelligent system(optional) IC卡電梯智能系統(可選型) 通過IC卡內的信息激活呼梯指令,控制開門計量 電梯使用情況、電梯收費等。 The call instruction can be activated through information in the ICcard to control opening and measure the service condition of elevator and elevator charging. |
The elevator will automatically return to base station for standby after responding calls of all floors and instructions in the car for 10s(adjustable time). Automatic set when opening the door 開門時自動設定 根據呼叫信號(轎廂、站層、殘障)的不同自動調整 開門時間。 The opening time can be automatically adjusted according to different calling signals (car,floor and disability). | Electronic arrival charm of elevator hall(optional) 候梯廳電子到站鐘(可選型) 通過聲音和視覺來感知運行狀況的多種報站功能 Multiple voice stop functions used to perceive operationg state through voice and vision Electronic arrival charm of car(optional) 轎廂電子到站鐘(可選型) |